About Us
The European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT*) in Trento (Italy) provides a dedicated and structured combination of scientific activities for a large international scientific community. ECT* acts as an “intellectual” centre of competence, complementary in scope and activities to existing research facilities based at universities or experimental laboratories. It promotes coordination of European research efforts in nuclear physics and related research areas.
Main activities of ECT* are workshops, collaboration meetings, doctoral training programmes and specialised courses. We also offer visiting fellowships for junior and senior researchers.
The research focus at the centre is Nuclear Physics in a broad sense and related areas. Specifically, Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Reactions, Quantum Chromodynamics and Hadron Physics, Physics of Matter under Extreme Conditions and Ultra-relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions, with related areas including topics in Astrophysics, Particle Physics, condensed Matter Physics, Many-Body Theory, Bose-Einstein Condensation, and Computational Physics.
ECT* is sponsored by the “Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)” in collaboration with the”Assessorato alla Cultura” (Provincia Autonoma di Trento), funding agencies of EU Member and Associated States. It also receives support from various instruments of the Framework Programmes of the European Commission.
ECT* is registered as an European Research Infrastructure, and it is an institutional member of NuPECC, the ESF Associated Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee.