ECT* originated from the combined efforts of the European scientific community of nuclear physicists, the nuclear physics group of the Department of Physics of the University of Trento lead by Prof. Renzo Leonardi, and the scientific institutions of the Autonomous Province of Trento (P.A.T.) to set up a European nuclear theory center, according to the recommendations of the “community meeting” of October 1992, held at Orsay (France). The scientific community discussed the idea of founding a European center on nuclear physics for around two years, also by means of ad hoc meetings and referendums in specialized magazines (Nuclear Physics News), through which the goals of the Centre were carefully identified, together with the human and financial resources necessary for its running.
The OriginFollowing the 1990 proposal by several nuclear physicists from the Niels Bohr Institute, the community of European theoretical nuclear physicists was invited to discuss the opportunity of founding a European (and in fact international) center. This idea was greeted with enthusiasm. After two years of public discussions and appropriate referendums, various groups were invited to formulate specific proposals, and a Steering Committee was nominated to evaluate them.
Renzo Leonardi and ECT*“This Institute started because of the vision of a man, Renzo Leonardi, whom we have to thank for his remarkable achievement. Renzo’s character is to push a lot to get his ideas realized, even, as was the case with ECT*, within a local community that did not know anything about theoretical nuclear physicists...” Gianluca Salvatori
The location history: Villa Balduini TambosiThe late baroque villa was built at the beginning of the 17th century by the Balduini Counts of Trento. In the middle of the 19th century, it entered into the possession of the silk-trading Tombosi family, who first used it as a summer residence but eventually made it their permanent home.
The 25th Anniversary of ECT*: Fostering Nuclear Theory in Europeby Jochen Wambach and Renzo Leonardi
ECT*- FBK StatutesThe aims and goals of ECT* are defined in the founding statutes , which also defines the set of rules by which ECT* operates. The ECT* statutes have been endorsed by the ESF.