To actively involve the community in the training of young scientists, we welcome proposals for the Doctoral Training Programme (DTP) to take place at ECT* in the summer of 2025. Typically the DTP runs for 3-4 weeks and is limited to 30/40 international students who are in the process of obtaining a Ph.D. in sub-atomic physics or related areas. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with the lecturers and organizers outside the lectures, tutorials, and problem-solving sessions. Organisers are free to propose the structure of their DTP, but the emphasis should be on teaching and training. Examples of previous DTPs are available here []
The subject of the planned DTP should be in line with the main scientific interests of ECT*, i.e. Nuclear Physics in a broad sense, including Nuclear Structure and Reactions, Nuclear Astrophysics, Quantum Chromodynamics and Hadron Physics, the Physics of Matter under Extreme Conditions and Ultra-Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions. Related areas of research include topics in Astrophysics and Cosmology, Particle Physics, Quantum Field Theory, Condensed-Matter Physics and Many-Body Theory, Computational Physics, Quantum Information, Machine Learning and the Physics of Ultra-Cold Atomic Gases.
The Scientific Board encourages Organizing Committees to reflect diversity and consist of a combination of established and early-career researchers.
Deadline for submissions: May 15, 2024.