Quantum simulator for Open Quantum Systems
Quantum simulator for Open Quantum Systems
Acronym: QOQS
Actors: INO-CNR (Alessio Recati), Department of Physics (Stefano Giorgini, Pietro Faccioli) and ECT* (Giovanni Garberoglio).
Proposal: to fund a PhD student (€ 66.000)
Period: Started November 2019
The QOQS project investigates the properties of a few particles or degrees of freedom (impurities) immersed in a complex environment. This is one of the most relevant instances of open quantum systems (OQS), whose study encompass all the fields of physics, both at the fundamental and — even more importantly — at a technological level.
The purpose of this proposal is to test the different OQS’s techniques and approximations by applying them to specific cold-atom quantum simulators, which can be experimentally realised and characterised in an external partnering laboratory at the European Laboratory for Non-Linear Science, at Sesto Fiorentino.
PI: Alessio Recati (CNR)
Ph.D. student: Matteo Sighinolfi (UNITN)
co-PI: Pietro Faccioli (UNITN), Giovanni Garberoglio (FBK-ECT*), Stefano Giorgini (UNITN)