Computer simulations of [your system here]

In this presentation I will review the main projects I am currently involved in and some I participated to in the past few years: ultracold atoms, virial expansion of the equation of state and dielectric response for metrology, adsorption in nanoporous materials (classical and quantum), and I guess that this is enough.
Giovanni graduated in Physics in Pisa as a fellow of Scuola Normale and got his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Trento in 2001. After that, he had too many postdoctoral appointments to be recalled, except maybe an experience at the Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh as a fellow of the US National Energy and Technology Laboratory. He participated in various projects covering an energy range from meV to MeV, mostly using Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics techniques. A few years ago, he got involved with US and European metrologists, discovering the utter joys of estimating uncertainties of his own ab-initio calculations of gas properties. People have been heard saying about him: "He is an ok fellow, and his tables of virial coefficients are kinda useful". Students enrolled in his course on Computational Physics uphill have also been heard saying things about him, but they are not worth reporting here.
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