Search for Exotic Hadrons in η(′)π at GlueX

ECT* - Villa Tambosi
Strada delle Tabarelle, 286
Trento - Italy
The theoretical description of the strong interaction between quarks and gluons that form hadrons is provided by Quantum Chromodynamics. However, the impact of gluonic excitations on the characteristics of hadrons and their role in hadronic structure is yet to be determined.
Recent discoveries of several possibly exotic hadrons highlight the significance of precise spectroscopic measurements in comprehending the nature of the strong interaction. This presentation focuses on the status of the hunt for exotic contributions in photoproduction data obtained with the GlueX experiment at Jefferson Lab in η(′)π systems.
Specifically, I will discuss the investigation of the a2(1320) meson production in these key channels, which is an initial step towards identifying exotic quantum-number hybrid mesons. Furthermore, the discussion will cover the application of an amplitude analysis that exploits the polarization of the photon beam available to the GlueX experiment and its implications for identifying the lightest hybrid meson.
Malte Albrecht - Guest SpeakerJLabDr Malte Albrecht received his PhD from the University of Bochum, Germany in 2016 for the search for exotic hadrons using partial wave analysis techniques based on data from the BES-III experiment in Beijing, China. Subsequently he studied radiative J/Psi decays as well as antiproton-proton annihilation data recorded by the Crystal Barrel experiment at CERN. He joined Indiana University as a PostDoc for the GlueX experiment at Jefferson Lab in 2020 and works as a staff scientist for Jefferson Lab since 2022. The focus of his research is the search for hybrid mesons in photoproduction.