2023 CMS heavy ion workshop: bringing together the LHC heavy ion community

ECT* - Villa Tambosi
Strada delle Tabarelle, 286
Trento - Italy
After the first CMS Heavy Ion workshop, held at CERN, featuring more than 50 talks and 100 participants, the Heavy Ion Group of the CMS Collaboration is holding the second, more extended edition in the beautiful city of Trento. The workshop will bring together the theory, LHC and CMS heavy ion communities, and will be split in two parts: a two-day session with a series of invited talks from theorists and from the LHC experimental community, followed by three days of CMS internal discussions.
The workshop, taking advantage of the resumed LHC operation, as well as of the recently-concluded Snowmass22 exercise and of the Long-Range Plans for Nuclear Physics in the US and Europe, will certainly stimulate extensive discussions on the physics performance of early Run 3 data, the physics opportunities at the HL-LHC, the HL-LHC upgrade challenges and their relevance to heavy ion specific measurements, compelling physics cases at Run 5 and beyond, and foreseen synergies with other collider projects.
Georgios Krintiras (The University of Kansas, United States)
Andre Stahl (CERN, Switzerland)
Yen-Jie Lee (MIT, United States)
Wei Li (Rice University, United States)
Carlos Lourenco (CERN, Switzerland)
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