Advances in transport and response properties of strongly interacting systems
ECT* - Villa Tambosi
Strada delle Tabarelle, 286
Trento - Italy
Recent advances in experimental techniques with cold atomic gases, new measurements of the quark-gluon plasma at LHC as well as expected new measurements of compact astrophysical objects with X-ray and gravitational wave detectors call for a more quantitative understanding of dynamical properties of strongly interacting many-body systems. In many cases computationally intense numerical methods provide the most reliable way to extract the transport and response properties associated with these systems. Most of these methods involve the simulation of the full quantum path integral, which is usually performed in Euclidean time. The formidable challenge, which is faced in all these otherwise separated fields is to obtain information about the real time dynamics out of Euclidean time correlations. The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers in different related fields of physics, favour joint collaborative discussions and exchange of strategies among researchers interested in dynamical properties of strongly interacting many-body systems.
Alessandro Roggero (INT & Univ. of Washington )
J.W. Holt (Texas A&M and University of Washington - Seattle )
Alessandro Lovato (INFN - TIFPA)
Yannis Burnier (EPFL )