Alpha_S(2024): Workshop on precision measurements of the strong coupling constant

Aula Renzo Leonardi - Villa Tambosi
Str. delle Tabarelle, 286, 38123 Villazzano TN
The workshop aims at exploring in depth the current status and upcoming prospects in the determination of the QCD coupling constant alpha_S(m_Z) from the key observables where high precision measurements and theoretical calculations are (or will be) available: lattice QCD, hadronic decays of tau leptons, deep-inelastic electron-proton scattering and global parton density analyses, QCD corrections to electroweak precision observables, and analysis of hadronic final states in high energy particle collisions (e+e-, ep, and pp).
David D'Enterria (CERN)
Stefan Kluth (Max-Planck-Institute for Physics / Werner-Heisenberg-Institute (MPP))
Giulia Zanderighi (Max-Planck-Institute for Physics / Werner-Heisenberg-Institute (MPP))
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