EXOTICO: EXOTIc atoms meet nuclear COllisions for a new frontier precision era in low-energy strangeness nuclear physics

ECT* - Villa Tambosi
Strada delle Tabarelle, 286
Trento - Italy
The EXOTICO workshop will address the most important open issues in the field of the strong interactions of hadrons with strangeness content. This field has recently received new experimental input from facilities ranging from low-energy to multi-TeV environments and heavy ion collisions. Such data is enabling updated calculations and precise tests of the theoretical approaches describing the hadronic interactions. The present status and the open topical questions will be discussed for the first time in a unique framework. Among the main issues stand out: the properties of kaonic nuclear matter, the nature of the Lambda(1405), the description of the hadronic interactions starting from first principles, and the possible presence of strangeness in the core of the Neutron Stars. The new avenues that are being opened by the high precision data together with new theoretical approaches allow us to enter a new era in the understanding of the strong interaction.
Otón Vázquez Doce (LNF - INFN, Roma/I)
Catalina Curceanu (LNF - INFN, Roma/I)
Angels Ramos (University of Barcelona, Barcelona/ES)
Johann Zmeskal (SMI - Vienna/A)
Jiří Mareš (Nuclear Physics Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences, Řež/CZ)
Registration no longer available.
Registration is possible only providing an email address associated to an ECT* indico account. In case you don’t have an ECT* Indico account yet, you can create one here.
Registration deadline for in-person participation: September 30, 2022
Registration deadline for remote participation: October 10, 2022