From hadrons to therapy: fundamental physics driving new medical advances

ECT* - Villa Tambosi
Strada delle Tabarelle, 286
Trento - Italy
The development of modern radiation-based medical imaging and treatment tools is closely interlinked with the progress in Nuclear Physics and related areas. Improving cutting-edge cancer therapies (such as radiotherapy using ion beams, targeted radionuclide therapy, or their enhancement by means of nanotechnology) and imaging techniques (e.g. positron emitting tomography) requires intensive research in Nuclear Physics along with Atomic-Molecular and Condensed-Matter Physics. Research in these fields is necessary to get a better understanding of the plethora of fundamental processes underlying their medical applications, including nuclear reactions of energetic ions in the body, radioactive decay of their fragments or of supplied radioisotopes, or the many-body processes involved in the nanoscale biomolecular radiation damage mechanisms in the condensed-phase. This workshop aims to gather theoretical, experimental and clinical experts from these diverse fields in order to foster multidisciplinary understanding and collaboration, for the advancement of radiation-based medical techniques and their fundamental physical understanding.
Pablo de Vera Gomis (Universidad de Murcia, Murcia/E)
Marco Durante (Scientific head of Biophysics division, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Darmstadt/D)
Cornelia Hoehr (Life Sciences, TRIUMF Canadian Particle Accelerator and University of Victoria, CA)
Katia Parodi (Medical Physics, Fakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München/D)
Valeria Conte (Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro LNL, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare INFN, Legnaro/I)
Jorge Kohanoff (Instituto de Fusión Nuclear, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid/E)
Marco Schwarz (Medical physics head, Proton therapy Department, Azienda Provinciale per i Servizi Sanitari, Trento/I)
Rafael Garcia-Molina (Centro de Investigación en Óptica y Nanofísica, Universidad de Murcia, Murcia/E)
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Registration deadline for in-person participation: August 14, 2022
Registration deadline for remote participation: September 4, 2022