Holographic perspectives on chiral transport and spin dynamics

Aula Renzo Leonardi - Villa Tambosi

Str. delle Tabarelle, 286, 38123 Villazzano TN

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Chiral anomalies lead to new transport phenomena such as the chiral magnetic and the chiral vortical effects. Due to the universality of anomalies these effects play an important role in many different areas ranging from the physics of heavy ion collisions to condensed matter systems such as Weyl- and Dirac metals. From the very beginning the theory of anomaly induced transport has received important inputs from holography (the “gauge/gravity” duality). In particular in view of the ongoing search for anomaly induced effects in heavy ion collisions it is necessary to deepen our theoretical understanding, develop new models and arrive at quantitative predictions. In addition, transport phenomena associated with spin and rotation are being investigated in heavy ion collisions. Holography is a very powerful tool that holds the promise to be able to successfully address all these issues. The workshop shall gather leading experts to discuss the status quo and foster new ideas and collaborations.


  • Matthias Kaminski (University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, U.S.A.)
  • Karl Landsteiner (IFT Madrid)
  • Dmitri Kharzeev (Stony Brook University / BNL)
  • Umut Gursoy (Utrecht University)
See complete details and information


Registration available from 20/01/2025 until 28/02/2025.

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