LaVA Meeting

ECT* - Villa Tambosi
Strada delle Tabarelle, 286
Trento - Italy
LaVA is a virtual platform for advanced e-learning and mixed learning in Lattice Field Theory and related areas which is under development within the Strong-2020 project and supported by FBK and by the INFN communication office. The pandemic has lead to the production of a large collection of video material. Now that we are coming back to normality, it is of utmost importance that such legacy is not lost, but saved, collected and organised, including ad-hoc developed documents, for the benefit of the scientific community. The goal of LaVA is to provide students and early-stage researchers with a wide collection of recorded video-lessons and written lecture notes that is able to give a thorough introduction to the main current research areas in Lattice Field Theory. Covered topics will include Lattice QCD in extreme conditions, precision flavor physics, lattice quantum simulations and machine learning applications to Lattice Field Theory.
- Lattice Gauge Theories
- Lattice QCD
- Hadron Physics
- Critical Phenomena and Renormalization Group
- Precision Flavor Physics
- Machine Learning applications to Lattice Field Theory
- Beyond Standard Model phenomonelogy
- Lattice Monte Carlo Algorithms, Quantum Computation
Claudio Bonanno (IFT UAM/CSIC Madrid)
Maria Paola Lombardo (INFN Firenze, Italy)
Mike Peardon (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
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