Measuring neutrino interactions for next-generation oscillation experiments

Aula Renzo Leonardi - Villa Tambosi

Str. delle Tabarelle, 286, 38123 Villazzano TN

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Accelerator neutrino oscillation experiments have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of fundamental physics, including: characterizing charge-parity violation in the lepton sector; determining the neutrino mass ordering; and exploring physics beyond three-flavor neutrino mixing. However, the next generation of long baseline experiments (DUNE and Hyper-K) require precise control over the systematic uncertainties in their analyses. The most challenging uncertainties come from the modeling of neutrino-nucleus interactions and are related to subtle details of the pertinent nuclear physics, such as those of the target nucleus ground state, and the transport of hadrons through the nuclear medium. Confronting such uncertainties requires significantly improved theoretical models as well as targeted measurements with the current generation of experiments to inform model development. This workshop will bring together neutrino oscillation experimentalists, nuclear theorists and those measuring neutrino-nucleus interactions, and will provide a unique opportunity for cross-field discourse.


  • Stephen Dolan (CERN)
  • Callum Wilkinson (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
  • Clarence Wret (University of Oxford)
  • Luke Pickering (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)


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