New opportunities and challenges in nuclear physics with high power lasers

Aula Renzo Leonardi - Villa Tambosi
Str. delle Tabarelle, 286, 38123 Villazzano TN
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Laser-driven ion and electron accelerations open a unique opportunity to probe/trigger new phenomena in nuclear physics. The intensive beams produced by high power lasers can generate neutrons/gamma rays which can be orders of magnitude denser both in time and space than classical accelerators. Thus, rare physical events—which were far from reach before—can be studied for the first time. This workshop will bring together interdisciplinary researchers, including the broadly defined nuclear and laser-plasma communities, to share existing ideas and discuss key issues. Topics include (but are not limited to): laser-driven particle accelerations, laser-driven neutron/gamma-ray sources, multi-photon pumping of nuclear isomer states, neutron captures related to nucleosynthesis, gamma-ray lasers and strong QED effects. Progress in these topics will broaden our current theoretical understanding of nature and bring tremendous practical applications. We aim to promote free discussions and initiate collaborative groups across disciplines to explore and tackle this new regime.
The ECT* workshop is jointly sponsored by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Chieh-Jen Yang (ELI-NP)
Klaus Spohr (ELI-NP)
Paolo Tomassini (ELI-NP)
Yuji Fukuda (Kansai Photon Science institute, QST)
Vojtech Horny (ELI-NP)
Leonida Gizzi (Istituto Nazionale di Ottica (INO))
Domenico Doria (ELI-NP)
Registration no longer available.