Nucleon Spin Structure at Low Q: A Hyperfine View

Recently there have been numerous exciting developments in both theory and experiment of the nucleon spin structure at large distance. New data from the “Spin Program” at Jefferson Lab are expected soon. New experiments on spin polarizabilities at large distance are planned or being performed at HIGS, JLab and MAMI. These developments are complemented by significant theoretical advances. Meanwhile, three atomic experiments aimed at measuring the ground-state hyperfine splitting in muonic hydrogen are being prepared at PSI (Switzerland), RAL (UK) and RIKEN (Japan). These experiments should improve the extraction of the Zemach radius by several orders of magnitude. However, the success of these experiments strongly depends on a precision evaluation of the proton structure effects. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together the nuclear and atomic physics communities responsible for these recent developments, review them, and provide directions and goals for the near-future progress.
- New measurements of spin structure functions, polarizabilities and form factors
- Sum rules, dispersion relations and empirical parametrizations
- Chiral perturbation theory of nucleon spin polarizabilities
- Progress in lattice QCD of the nucleon spin structure
- Hyperfine structure of muonic hydrogen
- Aldo Antognini (ETH Zurich & PSI Submitter)
- Alexandre Deur (JLab)
- Jian-Ping Chen (JLab )
- Marc Vanderhaeghen (Universität Mainz )
- Vladimir Pascalutsa (Universität Mainz)