Physics beyond the standard model and precision nucleon structure measurements

ECT* - Villa Tambosi
Strada delle Tabarelle, 286
Trento - Italy
The purpose of this workshop is to review future directions in searches for physics beyond the Standard Model and novel probes of nucleon structure using parity-violating electron scattering. There are new and vibrant experimental initiatives at Mainz and Jefferson Laboratory to measure neutral weak amplitudes and vector analyzing powers in a range of kinematic configurations and with a wide variety of nuclear targets. The proposed measurements will require significant technical developments to enhance experimental sensitivities to ever-increasing precision and accuracy, as well as improved understanding of the electroweak and QCD theory for the interpretation of the experimental observables in terms of fundamental quantities. The workshop would bring together experimentalists and theorists to identify the most important challenges and synergies among the proposed initiatives.
Frank Maas (Mainz University )
Krishna Kumar (Stony Brook University )
Paul Souder (Syracuse University )
Marc Vanderhaeghen (Universität Mainz (D) )