QCD at LHC: forward physics and UPC collisions of heavy ions

ECT* - Villa Tambosi
Strada delle Tabarelle, 286
Trento - Italy
The aim of the meeting is to present and discuss the new results from the LHC related to QCD, namely on forward physics and diffraction and the study of heavy ion runs (ion-ion and proton-ion) at the LHC. The relation with cosmic ray physics will be also developed. The timing of the workshop (after Summer 2016) will be particularly well suited with respect to the LHC schedule, since many results at the new energy of 13 TeV will appear towards this time and will be ready to be discussed.
Christophe Royon (Kansas University )
Gregory Soyez (CEA Saclay )
Nicolo' Cartiglia (INFN and University of Torino )
Cyrille Marquet (CPhT - Ecole Polytechnique )
Lucian Harland (UCL)
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