Simulating gravitation and cosmology in condensed matter and optical systems

ECT* - Villa Tambosi
Strada delle Tabarelle, 286
Trento - Italy
The goal of the interdisciplinary workshop on “Simulating gravitation and cosmology in condensed matter and optical systems” is to gather specialists from theoretical and experimental condensed matter physics and quantum optics and from theoretical cosmology, gravitation and astrophysics and collectively explore the possibility of exploiting condensed matter analog models as experimental tools to study problems that arise in the context of gravitation, especially cosmology and astrophysics. First examples of such analog models have recently being realized in a few laboratories around the world. The next challenges will be to extend the range of configurations and observables that can be simulated and to identify key questions to be addressed in future experiments.
The long-term goal is to bring analog models from being a scientific curiosity towards being a useful quantum simulation tool to study the physics of astrophysical objects such as black holes and semiclassical phenomena like particle creation at the end of cosmological inflation.
- Condensed-matter analog models
- Analog black holes in atomic, optical, hydrodynamic systems and analog Hawking radiation
- Analog models of cosmological processes
- New experimental perspectives with analog models
- (Quantum) simulation of gravitational, cosmological and astrophysical problems
Iacopo Carusotto (INO-CNR BEC Center )
Massimiliano Rinaldi (Universita' di Trento)
Roberto Balbinot (Universita' di Bologna )
Riccardo Sturani (IIP - UFRN )