Statistical properties of nuclei

ECT* - Villa Tambosi
Strada delle Tabarelle, 286
Trento - Italy
Recently there has been a renaissance in the study of statistical reactions involving various experimental probes, showing in many cases behavior in violation of long-held tenets of the theory. Prominent are the discovery of structure in the gamma strength function negating the simple picture based on the dominance of the giant dipole resonance, and the observation of systematic fluctations in decay widths inconsistent with the Porter-Thomas distribution. The workshop will examine these new findings, with discussion of theoretical approaches that can be brought to bear on them. Topics to be discussed include level densities, gamma strength functions, the Axel-Brink hypothesis, and statistical fluctuations.
George Bertsch (University of Washington - Seattle )
Yoram Alhassid (Yale University )
Andreas Zilges (University of Cologne )
Ann-Cecilie Larsen (University of Oslo )
Lee Bernstein (University of California Berkeley )