STRANEX: Recent progress and perspectives in STRANge EXotic atoms studies and related topics
ECT* - Villa Tambosi
Strada delle Tabarelle, 286
Trento - Italy
The STRANEX workshop will focus on the most recent achievements and open problems in the studies of strange exotic atoms & related topics. World-leading experts and young scientists, working in theory and experiment, will provide a state-of-the-art overview on strange exotic atoms research and related topics performed worldwide by pioneering and leading groups in the field. The workshop will address questions as: How does QCD behave at very low-energies in systems with strangeness and how strange exotic atoms contribute to its understanding? What is the nature of Lambda(1405) and how strongly bound are kaonic nuclei? What is the role of strangeness in neutron stars? It is the right time for the communities working in this field to come together, discuss their findings and plan future activities towards a deeper understanding of the role of strangeness in the Universe.
Catalina Curceanu (LNF – INFN Frascati )
Angels Ramos (University Barcelona)
Jiri Mares (Nuclear Physics Institute - Rez/Prague)
Johann Zmeskal (Stefan Meyer Institute)