Universal physics in Many-Body Quantum Systems – From Atoms to Quarks

ECT* - Villa Tambosi
Strada delle Tabarelle, 286
Trento - Italy
The workshop provides an interdisciplinary setting to discuss recent advances and challenges for physicists working on a wide range of systems, ranging from quarks and hadrons to cold atoms and molecules. Universality is now recognized as a common feature of strongly interacting quantum systems, independent of the details of the interaction at short distances. It is expected to provide a basis for the solution of many quantum phenomena in few- and many-body systems. We will discuss individual problems in the different research areas from the universal point of views such as Efimov physics and weakly-bound states, resonances, and BEC-BCS crossover. We also discuss correlations and emergent phenomena such as the formation of clusters in many-body systems.
Emiko Hiyama (Kyushu/RIKEN)
Sebastian Koenig (TU Darmstadt)
Makoto Oka (JAEA)
Philipp Gubler (JAEA)
Hans-Werner Hammer (TU Darmstadt)
Atsushi Hosaka (Osaka University)