Guidelines for Workshop Organizers
Timeline for the preparation
Workshop coordinator
In case a workshop has more than one organizer, one should be identified as the coordinator. Once the Scientific Board has accepted the proposed workshop, the local workshop secretary will contact the coordinator and will assist him/her in the preparation of the workshop.
The two buildings housing ECT* are one in front of the other. The workshop takes place in the conference room “Aula Renzo Leonardi” in the so-called Rustico of Villa Tambosi (grey/brown building), while the coffee breaks and lunches take place in the green historical villa: Villa Tambosi (Foyer Cerere & Venere, ground floor).
Workshop hours
Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 18:00 pm (please take these opening hours into account when preparing the workshop program)
The Website Indico
The secretary will set up a page in Indico with the description of the workshop and the outline of the scientific program.
A link to Indico will be available on the workshop page on the ECT* website.
Registration in Indico
Two months before the start of the workshop the registration opens.
About three weeks before the start of the workshop the registration closes.
The organizers have online access to the list of registered participants and can select the participants by ‘approving’ their registration.
The workshop organizers are kindly asked to keep the program updated and to upload the slides of the speakers on the Indico website. The secretary will give support where needed. (Instructions here: Indico_Guidelines for organizers).
Support categories for participants
Shortly after the registration closes, the ECT* secretary will contact the participants to inform them about the hotel reservation and the level of support.
There are three possible levels of support:
– Participants with full support (up to 100%): accommodation and meals* are covered;
– Participants with partial support for local expenses: ECT* covers meals*. In addition, up to 40Euro/night for hotel expenses are paid directly by ECT* to the hotel;
– Participants with support for meals*.
* With meals we mean: all lunches and coffee breaks provided by ECT*. In some cases, depending on the workshop budget, ECT* also covers 1 or 2 workshop dinners.
Please note that ECT* does not reimburse lunches/dinners outside of the workshop program.
Horizon Europe Projects
If the workshop is directly supported by an Horizon Europe Projects, its ‘group leader’ (normally, the main organizer) is asked to follow the additional rules:
— fill out a questionnaire to be submitted to the European Commission and
— provide ECT* with a brief report within two weeks after the end of the workshop.
This report should contain two paragraphs, maximum of ten lines each, summarizing the objectives and the achievements of the project.
— tag all workshop dissemination actions with the EURO-LABS logo;
— inform the ECT* about any outputs of the workshop in order to allow the centre to report on publications that have appeared in journals (or conference proceedings) and that are a result of workshops funded by EU-projects;
— eligible criteria:
— include the following funding acknowledgement to publications that are a result of the workshop: “This infrastructure is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101057511“.
Support from EMMI, MPP, ECT*
Please include the following funding acknowledgements to publications that are a result of the workshop in case your workshop receives financial support from EMMI, MPP, ECT*:
We thank ECT* and the ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI at GSI, Darmstadt, for support in the framework of the ECT*/EMMI Workshop “name of workshop” during which this work has been initiated/developed/completed.
We thank ECT* and the Max-Planck Institute, München for support in the framework of the ECT*/MPP Workshop “name of workshop” during which this work has been initiated/developed/completed.
We thank ECT* for support at the Workshop “name of workshop” during which this work has been initiated/developed/completed.
Final Report
After the workshop, the coordinator should submit a workshop report. This report, which will be part of the ECT* Annual Report, has to be sent to the ECT* secretary no later than 2 weeks after the end of the workshop.
The report should be prepared as a Word file, using the Template scientific report.
Remote Partecipation
Please note that remote participation is only possibile upon specific and motivated request.
- Zoom Platform:
The secretary will open a room in the Zoom platform for possible remote participants and will send the participant(-s) an invitation to join the meeting with tips and netiquettes for a correct participation in the online event.
The speakers will be asked to fill in a privacy disclaimer. Images used in the slides are supposed to be copyright-free.