• Job opening Post-doctoral Researcher at ECT*



  • ECT* at a glance

    The European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT*) in Trento (Italy) provides a dedicated and structured combination of scientific activities for a large international scientific community.
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  • In this presentation, I will show the complex structural dynamics of small circular DNA molecules. In particular, I assess the occurrence and behavior of DNA bubbles—molecular regions where the DNA is locally melted—focusing on both the thermodynamics and the kinetic behavior associated with the denaturation events. I discuss the impact of topological constraints and DNA sequence-dependent effects which can affect the structural evolution of the molecule, thereby highlighting possibile implications in the context of DNA-protein binding.
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  • Accelerator neutrino oscillation experiments have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of fundamental physics, including: characterizing charge-parity violation in the lepton sector; determining the neutrino mass ordering; and exploring physics beyond three-flavor neutrino mixing. However, the next generation of long baseline experiments (DUNE and Hyper-K) require precise control over the systematic uncertainties in their analyses. The most challenging uncertainties come from the modeling of neutrino-nucleus interactions and are related to subtle details of the pertinent nuclear physics, such as those of the target nucleus ground state, and the transport of hadrons through the nuclear medium. Confronting such uncertainties requires significantly improved theoretical models as well as targeted measurements with the current generation of experiments to inform model development. This workshop will bring together neutrino oscillation experimentalists, nuclear theorists and those measuring neutrino-nucleus interactions, and will provide a unique opportunity for cross-field discourse.
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  • This workshop gathers specialists from theoretical and experimental condensed matter and atomic physics as well as nuclear and gravitational physics to discuss in an interdisciplinary way the concept of Bose-Einstein condensation and its realizations in different areas of the physical sciences. It is the 2024 edition (coinciding with the centenary of the pioneering first work by Satyendra Bose) of a series of key events that started in Levico (near Trento) back in 1993 and were instrumental to the impressive developments that research on BECs displayed in the last three decades. As compared to other events focussing on specific systems, the distinctive feature of our workshop will be its commitment to have a broad spectrum of participants and topics, with the goal of fostering and nurturing existing interdisciplinary connections and facilitating new, unexpected ones. In particular, themes will include condensation in gases of ultracold atoms, quasi-particles (magnons, excitons, polaritons) in solids, light; emergence of universality and criticality in the non-equilibrium statistical mechanics of condensates; condensates in gravitation and cosmology. The structure of the workshop will be designed with a specific attention to stimulate unexpected long-range connections between distinct fields.
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