Call for 2025 Project Proposals

We welcome proposals for projects to take place at ECT* in 2025. Projects can be workshops or collaboration meetings. Other formats can be proposed and will be evaluated by the Board on a case-by-case basis. Decisions on approvals will be made at the Scientific Board meeting at the end of September.

The topics of the planned activities should be in line with the main scientific interests of ECT*, i.e. Nuclear Physics in a broad sense (see Research). This involves low-energy Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Structure, Quantum Chromodynamics, Hadron Physics, Physics of Matter under Extreme Conditions, Ultra-Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions. Related areas of research include topics in Astrophysics, Particle Physics, Condensed Matter Physics and Many-Body Theory, Methods of Field Theory, Physics of Ultra-Cold Atomic Gases, Machine Learning and Quantum Information/Technology.

The Scientific Board encourages Organizing Committees to reflect diversity and consist of a combination of Established and Early-Career researchers.

Deadline for proposals to be discussed at the October Board meeting: September 02, 2024.

Applications can be submitted here

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