The talk is based on arXiv:2110.13521More info
The study of the properties of neutron stars is presently entering a golden age.More info
This talk will report on recent breakthroughs in understanding the extreme environment in which the formation of the heavy elements occurs, as well as open questions regarding the astrophysics and nuclear physics involved.More info
Recent analyses on the diffractive electroproduction of ρ mesons have corroborated the underlying assumption that the small-size dipole scattering mechanism is at work, thus validating the use of the HEF formalism.More info
Selected results of the program concerning Ar, Kr, and Xe atoms are shown, demonstrating that the quantum-relativistic theory of the polarization of electron beams elastically scattered by atoms provides results in agreement with experimental data down to energies smaller than a few eV.More info
#Ultracold atoms #virial expansion of the equation of state and dielectric response for metrology #adsorption in nanoporous materials (classical and #quantum)More info
Modern experiment and theory have provided strong indications that diquark correlations play a crucial role in hadron physics.More info
Using the dipole picture for electron-nucleus deep inelastic scattering (DIS) at small Bjorken x, we study the effects of gluon saturation in the nuclear target on the cross-section for single inclusive DIS.More info
The webinar will describe the applying of statistical physics tools to examine Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines' efficiency in preventing severe and moderated morbidity using real data from Israel.More info
Mapping out the QCD phase diagram remains one of the outstanding challenges in the theory of the strong interactions.More info