Workshops General Archive
Heavy flavor (HF) quarks are excellent probes for the properties of the QGP created in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions.More info
The emphasis will be on the study of dileptons, heavy-quark and quarkonium, less explored in this energy domain. The status on hadronic bulk observables, a crucial tool for the detection of critical phenomena, will also be discussedMore info
Machine learning (ML) has been recently used as a very effective tool for the study and prediction of data in various fields of physics, from statistical physics to theoretical high energy physics.More info
Experiments at the forefront of physics elucidate the real-time properties of strongly correlated quantum systems from the transport of quarks and gluons in a Quark-Gluon Plasma created in a heavy-ion collision to the conduction of electrons in a highly complex functional material.More info
The workshop will debate the recommendation of the European Strategy Particle Physics committee, delivered in June 2020, on future accelerators, investigating the role played by strong interactions.More info
The Workshop will be opened to world-leading experts and young scientists who will explore several quantum gravity scenarios from complementary theoretical topdown and bottom-up approaches, to boost progress in this field.More info
This workshop will bring nuclear and condensed matter theorists to discuss common topics involving the physics of few particles and the many-body problem.More info
With the first gravitational wave observation of the merger of two neutron stars (GW170817), scientists have definitive observations of the ejecta from this event.More info
Planar fermions occur frequently in layered systems and are extensively studied in condensed matter physics; for instance, electronic properties of graphene have long been understood in terms of relativistic fermions centered on Dirac points in momentum space, but the influence of interactions between charge-carrying degrees of freedom is less well understood and remains an active field of study.More info
The general scientific goal of this workshop is related to QCD at high gluon densities and diffraction at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) to be built in the US either at JLab or at BNL.More info