Workshops General Archive
This workshop will bring together theorists and experimentalists working on direct photons and dileptons in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions.More info
The aim of a workshop is to discuss the use of information theory in the analysis of experiments, and the use of applied mathematics and statistics within the context of theoretical models dealing with current and future experimental data.More info
Our understanding of the fragmentation functions, or of the process how massive and colorless hadrons emerge from near-massless and color-charged quarks and gluons, suffers from the same shortcomings as the one-dimensional (1D) parton (spin and momentum) distributions in the description of nucleon structure.More info
The workshop, “Frontiers in hadron and nuclear physics with strangeness and charm”, will focus on the most recent developments in the strangeness and charm physics (hadronic and nuclear), both in theory and experiment.More info
The study of nuclei far from stability is one of the most active domains in nuclear physics today. In particular, the advent in recent years of facilities such as the RIKEN Radioactive Ion Beam Factory has provided a step change in our ability to study the most exotic systems.More info
The workshop will be devoted to the study of the nucleon resonance spectrum and structure as it becomes accessible through the electromagnetic excitation of the nucleon (EmNN*) in exclusive meson production.More info
Excited-State Quantum Phase Transition (ESQPT) is a novel concept unifying various types of singularities present in discrete energy spectra of quantum systems with a limited number of effective degrees of freedom.More info
Various heavy ion accelerators are under construction, including FAIR and RAON. A deep understanding of rare isotope physics is essential for a microscopically founded modelling of the astrophysical problems related to dense matter in the universe, as it can be found in neutron stars and black holes.More info
This workshop will explore the impact of QCD effects on the choice of future high energy accelerators, where to pursue effective studies of the BEH (Brout-Englert-Higgs) boson in view of ascertaining its true nature.More info