Workshops General Archive
The workshop aims at reviewing the current status of light and heavy quark spectroscopy, with particular emphasis on exotic states, and focus on the opportunity for a comprehensive hadron spectroscopy program at the Electron-Ion collider (EIC), which is the highest priority project for the QCD community, expected to be built in the USA during the next years.More info
This workshop will bring together theorists and experimentalists working on direct photons and dileptons in (ultra)relativistic heavy ion collisions.More info
The workshop intends to identify the most promising indirect methods in nuclear astrophysics, to discuss their particulars and to assess their reliability.More info
The position and the nature of the QCD confinement transition QCD phase diagram remains an essential, open topic of QCD.More info
The workshop will bring together about 35 world-leading experts and young scientists working on the exploration of discrete symmetries, both in theory and experimental sectors.More info
The goal of this workshop is to promote progress in composite DM research through an interdisciplinary approach that brings together experts from these different fields to exchange knowledge and plan future joint efforts.More info
This workshop will, therefore, gather a selected group of experts to discuss the most exciting recent developments, identify new goals, and lay a path toward completion of the most pressing tasks in strong QCD.More info
Parton distribution amplitudes (PDAs) and distribution functions (PDFs) play a key role in hadron physics. Their (x,Q)-dependence reveals basic facts about the emergence of massscales in the Standard Model, provides insights into confinement and bound-state structure and delivers critical inputs to hard-scattering formulae and cross-sections for deep-inelastic scattering and Drell-Yan processesMore info
The aim of the workshop is to bring some of the internationally leading experts in these fields together, formulate a more systematic strategy, and realize a few projects in the direction of a quantitative application of quantum gravity techniques to QCD in subsequent months.More info
With theoretical guidance, we discuss about the best uses of ground-breaking new facilities for nuclear physics, and identify future directions to which the facilities should head.More info