Workshops General Archive
Neutrinoless double-beta decay is the most sensitive laboratory probe of lepton number violation, and its detection is being pursued by ambitious experimental programs.More info
This workshop will bring together theorists and experimentalists to address the many aspects of nuclear physics and astrophysics that must be considered and properly understood in order to model the r-process.More info
The advent of new facilities, namely the ELENA low energy antiproton ring at CERN and the european Facility of Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Germany open a wide range of perspectives.More info
the workshop “High-energy physics at ultra-cold temperatures” aims to bring experts from different disciplines to discuss recent developments in a multidisciplinary environment.More info
This workshop seeks to compare these models to data, and to implement new models in generators that are used for the analysis of data.More info
Accurate predictions of neutrino-nucleus interactions are essential to long-baseline neutrino-oscillation programs. Current- and next-generation experiments are sensitive to a broad range of energy, characterized by different reaction mechanisms involving both nucleon and nuclear excitations.More info
Transport theory is the main tool to extract physical information from heavy-ion collisions (HIC), like the nuclear equation-of-state. In this workshop we review the challenges and demands on transport theory in view of new facilities and experiments, and of new astrophysical observations.More info
The aim of the workshop is to review and discuss the recent advances in the study of SN neutrinos and future perspectives, ranging from SN simulations, neutrino oscillations, nucleosynthesis, gravitational waves, and SN neutrino experimental searches.More info
This meeting will therefore gather a subset of the international NpCFM community to undertake a critical review of existing opportunities, consolidating facts, and theref rom develop a coherent five-year plan for contributing toward the advancement of strong-QCD physics in this new era of rapid growth.More info
High-precision measurements of low energy processes provide powerful tools to explore fundamental symmetries and to search for new physics beyond the standard model (BSM). While large colliders explore the energy frontier, high-precision experiments of nuclear, atomic and molecular properties offer a complementary approach.More info